WELCOME to the Purbeck Deanery’s blog for Children’s and Young People’s leaders, for sharing ideas and experience in providing ministry for young people and their families in our communities. We hope you’ll find something interesting and useful here as together we work to communicate God’s love to a new generation.

Please pray for this ministry – may God bless you for your interest.

John Wood, Rural Dean of Purbeck

"Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us that we must become like children in order to enter God’s kingdom, and you took children in your arms to bless them; guide us as we work to bring your special blessing to the young people in our communities in Purbeck; through your Spirit, give us wisdom to know how to do this; give us strength to undertake the task; give us compassion and a caring heart to reach out with your love, that your kingdom may grow and all rejoice in your blessing; for your glory’s sake. Amen"

Thursday 17 October 2013

Who? What? Why? When? Where? How?

If you are anything like me, when you have told your children a bible story you really want them to remember it and hopefully also remember what it has to do with them. An obvious way that most of us do this is by asking the children questions to reinforce the teaching. This is a very small idea to bring a different dimension to asking questions. A die with a question word on each side; Who? What? Why? When? Where? How? The children take turns at rolling the die and either you ask a question using the word they roll or they have to think up the question and ask someone else. Another way is to write the question words on a piece of paper and flick tiddlywinks to chose the question - this can get silly!
Dice available from amazon - link below.

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